Monday, June 8, 2009

PK Guide: Buying a dog

S and I have recently purchased puppies! Yes, yes, we've got really cute and adorable pups to keep us company during the summer months. We super love our new babies especially since it took us a lot of time to find our perfect pets and *ehem* a lot of money to buy them too. Hehe :)

Well, because of our experience in buying puppies, we're sharing with you here some tips in purchasing your own cute pup!

Step 1: Decide, decide, decide! The first step is to find a breed that is perfect for you. Think of what kind of pet you would like to have (appearance-wise) then consider if that breed is fit for your lifestyle and home environment. If for example, you're very active, get a breed that likes to run around and play. Like, you can't force toy dogs to be very active since their body can't take too much activity. Also, Know your limitations! This is very important because dogs are not toys. They're living beings that have requirements. If you can't handle picking up poo or always grooming your pet, then maybe high-maintenance pets like Shih tzus are not your best picks.

Step 2: Research the price! It's good to look around pet stores to canvass pet prices but we do not recommend that you buy from them. Just check out how much your breed of choice normally costs so you'd have a basis for your search. Then, we suggest you GO ONLINE! Check out sites selling puppies. Private owners and breeders sell lower than pet stores so you know you're getting a good deal. Some sites to check out are: and

Step 3: Question sellers; Be critical! Since you're dealing with private individuals, you're not given assurance/warranty like that in a store. This is the time to bring out the Nancy Drews in you! Text/call the seller. Ask them these very important questions: (1) is the dog's breed pure? (2) Does the dog have shots/vaccinations? (3) Is the dog registered? Does it have complete papers? (4) Is the price posted the last price? (5) Can I see the dog? The last one is the most important one. For me, it took three failed "go-sees" to find my perfect pet. The thing with it is that if you're merely given a picture, you're not sure if that dog doesn't have any defects. It's best to see it first before purchasing in case its personality or general look does not come to par with your expectations. Remember: the thing with buying a pet is that it should be perfect for you.

Another tip: myth claims that if the seller has a lot of puppies, you should pick the one that approaches you first. As they say, it's the dog that picks its owner, not vice versa :P

Step 4: Bring a box and lots of towels when transporting the pet. They are bound to wreck havoc in your car. That I assure you! It's best if you could cuddle your pet on the way home since they get really stressed out during the trip. You should keep them as comfortable as possible. Be prepared to wipe dirt the moment they puke, poop or urinate the entirety of the trip. It's normal for them to be so stressed out. In my case, we turned the a/c high which made my puppy sleep soundly in the cold during the rest of the trip.

Step 5: Acquiant them with their new home. Don't leave them at once upon arriving home. Acquiant them first with the place. And also, wait for 30mins or more before giving them water! If you give them water immediately, they will start to vomit. Let them rest first before letting them eat anything.

Step 6: The first day is always the worst! Be prepared for it! Be there for your dog all the time because they need help adjusting to their new home. They're bound to cry at wee hours of the night. Just be there so they'd see a familiar face.

Other tips:
1. Don't change your pet's dog food immediately. Give them the kind of food they're used to eating in their seller's home. If you want to change dog foods, change it gradually, starting with 50/50 on the first day, then changing the proportion everyday for 5 days until they're given the new dog food purely on the fifth day. This will keep them from getting loose bowel. (would also help you from cleaning up wet poo from the floor)

2. Give them chew toys. Puppies grow teeth and it's very itchy for them so in their early months, give them something to chew on lest you want your precious shoes and stuff toys to get destroyed (or sometimes, they even bite your feet and legs. Nyay!)

3. Complete their vaccinations! Most likely, when you bought your pet, they've just been given 1 vaccine shot and one deworming. It's not enough! You have to continue the shots which most of the time takes about 5 sessions with the vet and repeat the deworming process. It's scary for them not to get shots since one of the most common diseases puppies get is Parvo which is often characterized by having blood in their poops and which is deadly for dogs. Parvo shots is not a one-time big-time thing. It takes a series to complete it so you have to make sure your pet gets to complete it! *Trust me on this, an old puppy of mine almost died because of this disease*

So there you go! The complete guide to buying a dog! Hope you learned something new and we hope you enjoy playing with your future pup!

p.s. Cookie and Star says "arf, arf arf" which in human talk is, "Hi PK girls!"

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