Friday, January 4, 2008

Look thinner instantly!

It was when my really thin cousin showed me her arms (which has now become unbelievably fatter!) that I realized that more and more people are getting weight issues as they grow older. Adieu to the joy of eating junk without gaining weight! Now, you have to watch everything you eat as anything you put in your mouth will end up adding a slab of fat to your thighs.

The holidays are over and I'm pretty sure most of you girls have gained some if not a lot of weight after gorging on those glorious food on the dinner table. Am I right? *wink! Well, what to do?? Simple! Diet and exercise! Weeeeell... yes, those two are the age old solution to our weight problems but then the entire process of losing the fat takes a lot of time and effort. I mean, you don't lose the bulge in a day right? So what are you going to do while you're waiting to slim down? (hey, being temporarily fat is not an excuse for being unglamorous!) You go alter some things about yourself to temporarily "hide" the fat! :)
Yes girls! You now have another reason to sport a new 'do for the new year! The right hairdo can do wonders, I tell you!

1. Get layers! Yes, yes layers! But do go for a softly layered cut rather than a blunt one like that of koreans. Think, "sexy hair"
2. Part your hair at the sides instead of the middle. It will take the attention off your round-er face. Look for the natural arch of your eyebrows as guide and part your hair directly above it.
3. If you want or already have bangs, do sweep them to one side and try to tuck them in behind your ears. The less bangs you have, the less emphasis on your chubbier face.
4. Pull your hair up in a ponytail or any other style that would show off your neck and shoulders. This would make that area appear longer.

1. For now, try to stay away from fitted shirts as this would give emphasis on the belly area, your love handles, and your kimono arms. Also, it would make you look fatter than you really are!

2. Wear V-neck shirts to open up the neckline and elongate the neck.
3. Do go for empire cut tops as this would hide the belly and give emphasis on your "much bigger" humps.
4. If you have *Kimono arms, and still want to wear sleeveless tops, choose tops where the armhole is cut away from the end of your shoulder. (*click here for what a kimono arm looks like. Note how fat fans out to the side of the arms making it look "bumpy")
5. Wear it long! Yes, time to take out your long tops as these would enlongate the body, giving a thinner and slicker look. If your shirts are short, try to wear a very thin sleeveless long top at the bottom to lengthen it.

1. Go for dark bottoms! The darker the color, the better! Stay, stay, stay away from white or light colored pants as they will make the thighs look so much thicker.
2. Take out your bell bottom pants as you will be needing them again. The flare at the bottom will balance the thickness of your thighs and behind and make it look thinner.
3. Go for stretch fabrics as they will allow you movement plus, it will eliminate the usual, "fat overflows" just directly above the waist of your pants.
4. Wear flowy skirts! Yes, flowing or A-line skirts would do the trick! It's better too as most skirts like these are garterized.
5. Wear capri pants below the knee or a few inches above the ankle. This would show more skin and make you look "longer" and less stouter.

ACCESSORIESYes the accessories count too!
1. The longer the better! Wear dangling earrings and long necklaces (or blings!). They'll add to the vertical illusion. Just make sure to keep them rather simple, avoiding "chunky" pieces as they will add more weight to your look.

2. If wearing belts, try to keep them the same shade as your pants. Yes, yes, it would take the focus away from the belt but that's actually good! You don't want to draw attention to your tummy or wide hips during this period.
3. Avoid tight bracelets and watches for a while. Try bangles instead!
4. Wear large, square, oversized sunglasses. This would frame your face and make it look smaller.
5. Steer away from oversized bags for a while. Use medium-sized ones instead. It also helps to use mailman bags or across body bags as this will draw the attention away from your body. Just try to pick medium or small sized bags as again, the bulkier your bag is, the thicker you'd look.
There, there, there! Just a few tips to help you hide the bulge while you're working on losing all the fat. If you have any questions or tips to share with other PK girls, feel free to comment. :)
Here's to a slimmer and no-matter-what-the-weight-I'm-still-fabulous you! *cheers!*

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