Thursday, October 3, 2013

Music of my Heart: Kina Grannis and Imaginary Friend

The moment I heard them sing, I knew it was love.

You may already be familiar with Kina Grannis. She has been making the rounds in You tube through her covers and duets with other up and coming singers in the US. Her collaboration however with Jesse of Imaginary Friend is by far my favorite.

I was led to this video through an episode in MTV's Catfish (which I am a big fan, btw! Hi Nev!) It was the episode which had a happy ending. While the girl and the boy were frolicking in their new found love story, this song played in the background:

Wow. What powerful lyrics! All at once, it made me want to be IN LOVE. Everything about the song is perfect, the melody, Jesse's voice, the lyrics-- everything!

Wanna hear something cool? Kina and Jesse just got married :) Talk about a match made in music heaven!

photo credit to
These two people, individually they make good music but together, it's like a collision of particles-- a big powerful force in the universe. I just love them both so much!

You should definitely check out their music. Imaginary Friend has been on loop in my playlist, it's like every song is better than the last! Apart from those above, I recommend "We'll Be Okay" and "We Are the Love We Give". Seriously, the songs are so amazing!

Here's to the feeling of being in love! And to staying in love for always :)

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