Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Filipino Alcohol

We're big advocates of patronizing local made products and that goes for anything and everything Filipino, including alcoholic drinks (haha!). You first read how we endorsed Vuqo, the first Philippine made Vodka (read our Post about it here) and now we introduce you to another two very tasty alcoholic drinks:

I've tried Mango Rhum years before and I've found it really tasty especially when used in mixes. It tastes distinctly like Philippine mangoes and tastes uniquely Filipino. I, however, have yet to taste Amadeo's Coffee Liquer.

Amadeo's may ring a bell because there are a couple of Amadeo coffee shops spread around the Metro. They're famous for their coffee so when I saw the label Amadeo's, I got super excited! So, how did it fare? Well, it's a little too strong for me. Or maybe it's not meant to be taken in a wine glass (which I stupidly did), and instead be taken in a shot glass. I thought I'd be partial to coffee but in the end, I think I like the mango rhum more than the coffee liquer. Still, good job Destileria Limtuaco! Thank you for being such staunch advocates of Filipino products!

I am excited to see these two hit the international shelves soon! :)

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