Thursday, June 25, 2009

Healthiest drink?

I was browsing the newspaper last weekend when I chanced upon a full-page advertisement for C2. It featured all their products which included their newest offering, the C2 ENVIDIA.

So maybe you're asking, what's new with this product? Well, I think you'll be surprised with this one!

It's Green Tea plus L-Carnitine!

Whoa right? I mean, Green Tea on its own is great for those on a diet. My friend K can attest to that and since I've hopped onto the bandwagon too, I say the same thing. I'm not really into the L-Carnitine drinks because I see right through them. I mean, have you read the sugar content on those drinks? Horrible. Sugar camouflages as sucrose but natural sucrose in fruits is still sugar, diabetics don't even eat a lot of fruits co'z of this. See?

But then, I know a lot of people who actually enjoy Fit n' Right and Fab! and I have to admit, I occasionally buy them as alternative to soda. I don't really know if the L-Carnitine actually works since I haven't heard of a friend who can actually testify to this aside from Marian Rivera (which unfortunately is not a close contact of mine).

Here goes the battle for which one is better? L-Carnitine or Green Tea? Well, C2 made our lives easier by introducing Envidia! So on Father's Day, I dropped by the grocery and grabbed myself a bottle! Here's the lowdown:

I was very excited to taste it that I immediately opened a bottle and took a big gulp. I was very surprised! Turns out, the drink is sparkling! The fizz almost burned my throat! I immediately reread the bottle but couldn't find where it says it is sparkling. Gosh! Next time please, indicate it in the label!

The drink has two variants, the Pine-Orange and Apple Flavor. Both tastes good although I think I like the Pine-Orange better. Overall, I think Envidia tastes very good. I mean, it's C2! And if you've tasted the original C2 flavors, then I guess you can predict what these tastes like. Again, just bear in mind that it's a little different co'z of the fizz.

Health benefits
Here's what the label reveals: It has 300mg of L-carnitine, 25mg of ECGC and it has no sugar in it. Cool right? It literally says, zero grams of sugar! BUT it does contain 85g of sodium so I don't know if that's good or not. But here's my favorite discovery: it contains only 10 calories! Unbelievable right? I mean, the original c2 has 45 calories. See how the Envidia has incredibly lower numbers? So cool!

Wallet damage: 21 php

I'm not sure if it's recommended that you drink this everyday to see results but honestly, I don't recommend you take drinks like this to lose weight. If you really want to lose weight, just stick to good old water. But on occasions you'd want something tastier, then I suggest you go for this because so far, this is the healthiest over-the-freezer(hehe) drink in the market today!

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