Marks & Spencer naturally caffeine free tea! |
The thing with me and tea is that I think it's very bland and tasteless. So normally I put milk and a lot of sugar or honey in my tea. Surprisingly though, I didn't have to do that with these variants! They are naturally sweet and the bitter tea taste isn't present! It was just so sophisticated tasting and for lack of a better word, dainty. Very subtle! My favorite is the Rooibos and vanilla fusion because I am a big vanilla girl but the fruitiness of the raspberry is also heavenly, I can't really pick one over the other.
If not for the expiry date, I would have hoarded these at M&S. There are so many variants plus the packaging is so pretty!
And since we're on great packaging and stuff you get from Marks and Spencer, let me share another of my favorites-- sugar free candy drops!
I am a candy girl. I keep candy in my bag. My default candy of choice however are tictacs but recently, I've been gravitating to these. These are so good! I love that it's sugarfree and its smell is beyond words! I can live off the smell without eating 'em. And the packaging! Pink and green, oh so girly and pretty! And best part is-- for Php70.00 per pack, these babies are quite cheap!
So sorry for the lack of updates this month. We've been very busy. I, for one is taking my exams plus I've been sick (still is actually). March however is bound to be more exciting! I missed blogging. Hope you missed us too! Lol. Have a great day our dear readers! :)