Well, in a sudden pang of decisiveness, I went ahead and entrusted my beautiful locks in a Korean's hands. Yes, you read that right. A Korean's hands!
This is my great Tony and Jackey experience :)
So I had my hair shampooed by this Pinay with fabulous locks. She was not minding me and was chatting with another girl but it didn't bother me. The way she shampooed and massaged my scalp was so relaxing! I totally love the scent of the shampoo as well. It's unlike anything I have ever tried before. Hmmm.. must be Korean made.
After my shampoo, I was seated in front of the mirror. It was then that I started to get scared. I motioned for my friend to hand me the "hair catalog" but another girl was browsing then. Shoot, I haven't decided on what kind of haircut to get yet! Oh no! Well, I didn't get to think too long as a Korean hair stylist suddenly approached me. Then the guy from the door came too. He asked me what I wanted and then translated it to the Korean. So what did I get? Haha, "same style, just shorter please" Haha. Told you I haven't decided yet!
So the Hair stylist got to work! He had this unusual technique that looks scary because he pulls your hair and then sort of "bluntly" cuts it. It was weird because you'd feel like he was doing "boxed" layers of your hair. Nyay!
But after a while, things started to look better. I finally saw how his technique was working for my hair. After a few more snips and fixing my straight bangs, it was done! Oh wooooow! Fabulous!
Sorry girls, can't show you YET. We haven't done the great reveal so maybe next time. Hehe! ;) Just take my word for it, okay? But to give you an idea of the styles they do, here's a sneak peak:
The cool thing about them is how "soft" your cut will look. I mean, just stare at the girl at the right, the layers on her face are soft and not very "pointy" like that of Japanese girls. They give you soft bangs, soft layers, even soft flyaways! haha! They just give you that "sexy" hair! :)
I totally love their perms too! While I was there, a girl was getting her hair permed and it looked fabulous! It was not kinky at all! I think that's the overall appeal of Korean hair care. It's like everything's so delicate that it would not ruin your hair. I mean, just take the Koreans as perfect examples. They change their hair everytime but it shows no sign of damage. The girl washing my hair said it was because Korean hair products are just light so it won't damage your crowning glory.
As for the price, well... I can't exactly say it's cheap because it's not. A haircut will set you back 500php while a perm will burn 3,000-5,000php in your pockets. But don't fret! There's hope! Tony and Jackey has a promo right now!
Woman's haircut - 300php
Rebond- 1500php
Perm- 3000php
So, what are you waiting for? Try it out! I won't be saying this is my GREAT Korean experience if I wasn't satisfied right? right! :)
For more information, go to their site at: www.toandj.com